This is great. It makes me want to just make up plausible sounding fake quotes by famous people and post memes of them.

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Anthony Bourdain was to culinary arts as Hunter Thompson was to politics.

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"The valorisation of travel has always perplexed me — as if it’s necessarily more enlightening to see a little of a lot of Earth than a lot of a little."

THANK you, I truly have felt alone in this. It's like people think they are on a religious crusade when they travel, and they want to capture their fake Nirvana on their selfie-stick and prostitute it to every social media outlet possible.

"I like to traaavel, and to get caught in the raaain, I want to find love in Paaaris, I want to live in a vaaaan".

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Maybe it's amalgamation of quotes from his voiceovers at the end of episodes.

Here's his last episode voiceover.


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You are proof of America's ultimate greatness. We are all allowed to express our feelings and opinions, out loud, without persecution. I do like Bourdain and have since I read Kitchen Confidential. The book made me appreciate the hard work performed by cooks for our enjoyment...I appreciated something that I had always taken for granted.

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I highly doubt any of you knew him who have commented on this thread. You simply made a decision to not like him and then go on here and bash him without remorse or consequence. Choose to love him or hate him, it's a personal choice. But most of these comments are complete nonsense from a bunch of angry little people who didn't know him personally at all. He didn't put this possibly false quote out there. Someone who loved him did. You are all what is so wrong with comments on the net these days. GTH all of you pathetic little people.

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Scarf & a doorknob anybody?

Can't drink your way out of the crappy 'deals' you make in life...

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Bourdain was a shell of a person. He was a fraud like all of these showbiz jews. He was without morals and a piece of shit. The world lost nothing when he capped himself. UNLESS he really was about to blow open a pedophilia ring and was murdered... which MAY actually be true.

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Being another America hating Marxist is enough of a reason for me to hate him. Case closed.

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When it sounded like "him", naturally (artificially) it was certainly "him" 🎯😱💯

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