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FWIW, here's my comment: :

"Now, consider what might happen if we had a place like Gaza on the US southern border. In Gaza, Hamas and other groups have periodically for the past 18 years or so, fired missiles into Israel. Just think about what might happen if the Mexican equivalent of Gaza were to fire a couple of missiles into the US - say, into San Antonio, Texas. Would there be calls for reconciliation, restraint, and negotiations? I doubt it. I think the US Air Force would probably respond in a manner that would make the current Israeli response look like an ice cream social. And you can bet that there would not only be an “armed incursion” into Mexico, but a full-on kinetic warfare invasion, the groups doing the missile firing would be dealt with harshly, and there would undoubtedly be civilian casualties, and lots of them.

Now, the Israelis have been called upon by the rest of the world, for the past 18 years to put up with this murderous nonsense, culminating in the present attack, where 5000 missiles were fired, and Hamas troops invaded Israel, taking hostages and shooting civilians in residential neighborhoods - and shooting up a rock festival in addition. Let’s say that Mexican cartels did similar things in Texas, went into small towns like, say, Eagle Pass, along the border - and there just happened to be a rock festival in the vicinity, and they shot that up, killing 260, and wounding 1000 more. And, in addtion, they raped numerous young women, killed some outright, and took a couple hundred as hostages. What do you think might happen? Let’s say that Biden hemmed and hawed and did nothing of any real import - how long do you think it would be before Texas seceded from the US and mounted its own military response?

These are a couple of things to think about before passing judgment on Israel…

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