OK, say I'm a divorce lawyer. Lawyers need clients, and the longer the term, the better, if you can keep them fighting for 30 years, the more money you get. I clerked at a law firm in law school, and the firm had a number of clients like this - one was in his 80s and both he and his ex-wife got bankrupted by the legal fees, no inheritance for the kids, the lawyers got it all... OK, so you have BlueFlag.com, and the trick is, is that you match *incompatible* people. 50% of marriages wind up in divorce court, so what's wrong with improving the odds? Besides, understanding either side of a divorcing couple is easy, since they both have three words in their vocabulary: Gimme!, Mine!, and NO! Essentially, you're dealing with three-year-olds in adult bodies, but at least they have money. The trouble is, is that they're never satisfied, and if you don't feed their insanity, they'll come after you, as happened to a friend of mine. Career criminals and actual, real life crazy people are *so* much easier to deal with...

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Hahaha, well put

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The biz plan is bad.

If you are considering using rf.com, there's your sign.

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There is a 2022 app in the iOS store called Red-Flags that is similarly themed.

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Bastards! They stole my idea

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