I've been to Wisła, my Ex was from the neighbouring Ustronie. You are absolutely right about the eyesore quality of much of Polish architecture - I always rant about it. People grumble about planning applications in Britain, but it is precisely the notoriously lax planning laws in Poland that lead to much of the public space being ugly. Stupid giant billboards everywhere, horrible ugly self-builds, plastic windows in period properties - that's one of the worst aspects of Poland, one I do not miss. It is quite telling that both my parents mentioned lack of billboards, beautiful gardens and meticulously preserved period buildings as their favourite things about England.
I've been to Wisła, my Ex was from the neighbouring Ustronie. You are absolutely right about the eyesore quality of much of Polish architecture - I always rant about it. People grumble about planning applications in Britain, but it is precisely the notoriously lax planning laws in Poland that lead to much of the public space being ugly. Stupid giant billboards everywhere, horrible ugly self-builds, plastic windows in period properties - that's one of the worst aspects of Poland, one I do not miss. It is quite telling that both my parents mentioned lack of billboards, beautiful gardens and meticulously preserved period buildings as their favourite things about England.
Sounds like you're just trying to explain away your FEARRRR