People like Coren are probably pretty careful about whom they pick on - if he'd called me a paedophile and threatened to kick my ass, it might just be worth it to show up at his office and beat him into the pavement - if he didn't run out the back door first. He's a bully, and when bullies get called on their BS, they turn into cowards, either way, people like that are despicable specimens of humanity.

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Great bit on C*ren. He’s been xenophobic about Poles for decades, once even the Polish ambassador made a formal complaint, if I remember correctly. (Mic Wright is no saint, either).

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Dunno if I will ever make it to Poland any time soon (I found a cheaper hair transplant surgeon Cancun haha, which is much closer to Las Vegas) but if I ever go to England (and as a rather severe Anglophile this will probably happen eventually) I suppose we could synchronize my trip there with one of your visits home. Bath looks lovely.

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Sorry to hear that! But Poland was a long trek that's for sure

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Plane ticket is over $1000! The world is so culturally influenced by the hegemon that it's easy to forget just how damn geographically remote my country really is. It's a globally dominant empire in the middle of nowhere.

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